Friday, April 24, 2009

Sport vs Sex

Sport vs Sex!

Our latest survey had thrown up some interesting figures. It’s official; men spend more time talking about sport than sex – a whopping 52 minutes a day. 50 per cent of men actually rely on sports as a conversation starter.

While their tongues are busy wagging, a different type of match is going on in their heads. Guys claim to think about sex for 11 minutes out of every hour but have their mind on their favourite game for just seven minutes an hour.

Hook up with a sport crazed man and you could be missing out. Half would rather go to a football match than spend time with their partners.

In addition, 40 per cent of men claim to spend more time talking about sport to their friends than actually talking to their partner.

Football topped the polls as the most talked about sport, closely followed by rugby, then motorsports and cricket.

It doesn’t come as a surprise how much men talk about sport, but to put it above sex is a real shocker. Even though I love my sports, I’m not sure my wife would forgive me if I put it above spending time with her, although it goes without saying that all bets are off on cup final day!

St George's Day - Top 10 Facts

St George's Day - Top 10 Facts

10) In addition to England, St George is the Patron Saint of Portugal, Georgia, Genoa, Milan, Beirut, Malta, Ethiopia, Lithuania and Palestine (he got around!)
9) St George is also the Patron Saint of Syphilis, Leprosy and Herpes (he definitely got around!)

8) Even though St George fought Dragons, he didn't get a national holiday, unlike St Patrick in Ireland who merely chased a few snakes!

7) Shakespeare was born, and died, on St Georges Day (obviously not the same year)

6) In 1900 the first use of the word "Hill Billie" was on St Georges Day

5) Prior to being a Saint, George was apparently a Pork Salesman

4) April 23rd 2008 was the first time the St Georges Cross was flown over 10 Downing Street

3) The St Georges Cross became the national flag in the 16th century, before that it was a bowler hat, brolly and cask of ale!

2) During the last world cup 27% of adults bought a St Georges Cross

And finally, the best fact about St George......

1) If it wasn't for St George we wouldn't have outfits such as this:
St George would be proud!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sports Wars!

Check out our Sports Wars survey below. You can see how the voting is going by clicking here